Final reminder that this Saturday sees us hosting the Moel Siabod Fell Race. Registration on he day opens at the Cafe at 12:00 pm with the race itself starting at 2:00 pm & a Junior race at 2:10 pm. Kit will be required, entry fee £5.00, please park in the Show car park opposite the Cafe, th small charge goes to the Capel Curig community fund. A bowl of Gaby’s Goulash is included for the runners at the finish to help re-energise those who want to take part in the traditional post race tug-of-war – Fell Runners v The Locals.
Enjoy a great day out in Capel Curig
Please note that due to Alan Mannouch supporting a friend in a Paddy Buckley attempt we have posponed our planned Open MIC night until later in the month, watch this space for the new date to be confirmed.