Thanks to all those who have contributed to my chosen charity ‘Gets Kids Going’, greatly appreciated, I passed my target late yesterday so a great way to set me on my way as Dorina & I travel to London later today.
Holiday in the Alps & Italy (thankfully the house was not too badly damaged during a recent break-in) now over I confirm that I have been a good boy & ran over 50 miles whilst out there to give my goal of a sub 1:30 tomorrow at least a small chance of success. In reality I should be pleased if I can get pb down to 1:32/1:33 but have decided on a race strategy (this is becoming my norm.) of go out hard, see if I can do the first 4 to 5 miles at target pace (6 Minute 50 Second mile pace) & then hang on at that level to the finish.
My final training run was a 10 miler down to Bettws & back on Thursday morning timed perfectly before the rains came. My thanks to the cheery postman who I passed several times on the back road between Bettws & The Ugly House, little things like that help the miles glide by.
One last minute glitch, the new battery for my stopwatch failed to work, I think the watch has died so Cotswold Outdoor here I come, well I haven’t been there since yesterday! Reality is no stop watch to moniter race progress no chance of a pb, everything comes at a price but lets hope it buys success tomorrow.
Gaby is serving me with Lasagne just before we leave at approx. 1:00 pm to fuel me but hopefully leave my system clear (excuse the details, nervy runners will understand where I’m coming from) before the early start time of 09:00.
Dorina will be at the 6 & 9 mile marker points to hand me a Gel at each (no that doesn’t mean she’s faster than me, they are only 50 metres apart!) & of course to cheer me on. I think this level of support would have been forthcoming anyway but to seal the deal she’s been promised an evening meal at our favourite Italian restaurant at the top end of Covent Garden.
It would be great if I can cap a really good year off for me with this long desired pb., wish me luck & thanks to all who have shown an interest & supported me in anyway.