Defibrillator Campaign – Part Two

Monday morning found me in a very gloomy mood, the day before I had been subjected to a vicious verbal attack from a woman who chose to react badly to my request to keep her dog under control. I won’t go into details but it left me traumatised, her later attempts to falsify the events on facebook & no doubt in the days ahead on tripadvisor are of no surprise but even my logic cannot fully help me to realise the futility of being hurt by such abominable behaviour. As Monday afternoon wore on & my morale still side-swiped by the incident a shining light shone into my life via Johnathan who helps us with our Facebook & Twitter pages, a customer had made contact asking about our Defib. campaign.

Within an hour this very same customer donated £500 towards our campaign, the second such donation we’ve received in little over a week, this was incredibly good news for our campaign but in equal measure was incredibly good news for me as I was jolted back to the reality that so many people enjoy & show affection for what we try our best to provide through our Cafe, ‘Paul, don’t let one incident affect you in such a way’. Of course easier said than done but I have come back to the light, so thank you Chris, I look forward to meeting you.

Regarding the campaign I am delighted to announce that together with many other kind donations, proceeds from Alex Kendal’s presentation we have now exceeded our target of £1,500, indeed we have reached £1,690.00. This morning I have asked Tomos Hughes of Achub Calon Y Dyffryn to commence the purchase & installation of the Defib. so that it can hopefully be in place before the end of February, with any excess in funds going to help Tomos secure another Defib. for the local area. I will of course keep you posted on it’s progress but in the meantime on behalf of all of us involved in the campaign thank you to all of you who have donated, clearly we are a like minded bunch of basically good people, thank you!

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