It’s been an eventful & at times frustrating few weeks trying to get the Cafe ready for re-opening but we are almost there & so can now finally announce our plans:-
Takeaway Burger Trailer – will Open on Friday 10th July at 7:30 am. It will be Open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm everyday & until 7:30 pm on Saturday’s for the foreseable future.
It will offer a range of Hot & Cold Food & Drinks.
Please note that this is a Takeaway facility only which has our Smaller Car Park now solely allocated to it. As such we ask you simply to respect ourselves & other customers & not consume your food on site. Simply buy & move on so as not to block the car park for others.
The Main Cafe will re-open on Monday 13th July at 07:30 initially with Outdoor seating only although we have invested in a Gazebo & additional Umbrella’s to offer some cover from Capel’s occasional rains. The Cafe normal opening hours, as above for the Burger Trailer, will apply.
Due to operating restrictions there will be a new somewhat restricted Menu but still extensive with plenty of variety. Certain procedural changes will be noticed by Regular Customers please work with us to help make these times of Covid 19 operate as best they can.
Please note that Cafe customers should only park in the Large Car Park & unlike pre-Covid 19 arrangements we would ask that you move on once you have finished your Dining experience & unless your walks etc. start immediately from our Cafe please move your car to one of the National Parks Car Parks or Lay-byes. We ask this simply as to bounce back from a financially very difficult time & to serve as many Customers as we can this would be a tremendous & gratefully received gesture of help.
Entry to the Cafe when the Internal opens will be through the Main Entrance but Exiting will be through a newly Opened door on the front elevation near the Bicycle Stands.
You will notice many other changes, John & Marion have produced a video of some of these which is now on our New You-tube site, we hope you appreciate & like them.
We want to be around for you for many years to come, helping us with these changes will help us be so, we look forward to welcoming you back to our Outdoor World, lets make it work for us all, a New Dawn Rises.
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