October 20, 2012
Paul’s Nepal Blog 6
This is just a quick blog to let you know the link to my Just Giving Web-site as I try to use my Trek as a chance to raise enough money to donate a wheelchair to my chosen charity CLIC Sargent who support children diagnosed with cancer throughout their often long treatment. The link is http://www.justgiving.com/Paul-Hodges1
October 19, 2012
Paul’s Nepal Blog 5
Only two days to go, thank god I can’t keep running around with last minute pannicks for much longer. My mind is clearly elsewhere, today alone I forgot the keys to my office in Blaenau & at a Porthmadog cash machine left the cash in the wall as I walked away with just my card, then heard a guy shouting after me as I approached two women who were thinking I must have mugged him
October 19, 2012
Cafe News – Part One
Well whilst Paul’s focus has understandibly been turning to his trip to Nepal we are still building on the foundations we have made since opening for business in March 2012, this is in more ways than Gaby continuing to add to her range of cakes. Last Sunday we had 9 cakes on offer at the start of the day & by end of play were down to just two slices left (Paul thought about telling
October 17, 2012
Paul’s Nepal Blog 4
Not a bad day having gone up & down Snowdon via the Pyg Track in 2 Hrs 20 Mins despite the weather to maintain fitness & within 5 minutes of returning to the cafe a Manager from Plas y Brenin called in to ask us to advertise the fact that Kenton Cool is giving a lecture at Plas y Brenin tomorrow evening between 17:30 & 18:30. O.K. so I’m not actually going to Everest but
October 17, 2012
Paul’s Nepal Blog 3
The hardest hurdle looks to be overcome as yesterday I did a trial packing of the bags to see if the bags could cope with all of the kit I’ve bought & would they be within the weight limit. Initially it was good & bad news with the bags coping but coming in at 34 Kg, that was 4Kg over the limit. Hard decisions followed, out went half my mini mars bars, a bag of