It was great to see the best turnout for the Junior’s race for several years with 4 in the Under 12’s & 2 in the U.14’s. Alas from my position of race organiser things did no go according to plan with a combination of one Marshall not in the correct position, a walker sending one runner the wrong way & heavens forbid the probability that someone had reversed two directional arrows. These collectively caused a problem to some of the runners which I only began to piece together after the race. My sincerest apologies, you deserved better, I will learn & take steps to ensure there is no possibility of a repeat next year, please come back & try, try again!
Despite this all 6 runners did extremely well to get back to the finish safely so very well done to you all.
The U.12’s placings were: 1st Caleb Wynn in a fast 14:20, 2nd Carwyn Pye in 17:20, 3rd Dylan Billington 19:45 & 4th Bethan Billington in 19:45. Bethan had the miss-fortune to be sent by a member of the public onto the senior route, this was relayed to me by radio & we were all delighted that she self corrected & came across the finish line in very fast form, clearly an excellent runner in the making.
The U.14’s were won by a flying Tom Owen in 13:36 (showing the potential of another Tom Owen who’d won the Trail Marathon Wales race 3 weeks earlier). 2nd place went to Simon Williams in 16:38.
Race Certificates & Chocolate Bars were handed to all the runners, my thanks again for your taking part.