Thank you Nick, I think (as in Livesey).
Having come up with my route for this years charity run in aid of Reach Out for Nepal & loosely calculating it’s stats from the Harvey’s Snowdonia North Map, Nick kindly offered to plot the route on his computerised mapping system (aka something I’m not really sure what it’s called) so get some more accurate stats. He’s recently e-mailed his findings:-
Paul’s Guess: 41.9 Miles. Nick’s findings 46.2 Miles.
Paul’s Guess: 11105 feet of height gain. Nick’s findings 13,674 feet.
Paul’s Target time: 13 Hours. Nick’s findings 57 Hours, I can only hope that this last little anomaly is based on Nick walking the route whilst carry his computer & a very long extension cable whilst falling into a variety of bogs (not shown on the screen) whilst not looking at the ground in front of him. In the words of Meatloaf my fingers are crossed that Nick’s stats. are a case of 2 Out of 3 ain’t Bad.
But seriously, thanks Nick all food for thought, let the recce’s begin, I need further meat on the bones before June.