This year we are as ever raising money to help Community Action Nepal’s (CAN) excellent work in the remote villages of Nepal & more specifically to help them re-build the Lihi Health Post which was damaged in a landslide last year. CAN have been offered a safer piece of land on which to build on & they will be making a site visit in October to make sure that it is suitable for the project. Due to local agreement restrictions which CAN have to honour the project cannot start until 2025 but in a way that is a positive as they need to raise circa £45,000 to bring the project to fruition. We are delighted to confirm that between funds raised at the Cafe already since last year’s ROFN Day & Ian Draisey’s cycling Moel Siabod Sportif (MSS) in June we already have £7,000 to forward to kick start CAN’s funds.
We hope you can help us add to this this coming Saturday by either (or more) of the following ways:-
Support Paul on one of his 6 Runs (details on our Events page).
Buying from Twiggy’s stalls (at the Cafe), items include hand crafted bags made by Twiggy herself, Doug Scott’s prints (only £10 each), CAN Xmas cards & Nepalese artefacts & Energy Bars donated by Howard after this year’s Welsh 1,000 Metre Peaks race.
Buy Raffle tickets throughout the day, prizes will be displayed in the Cafe, the draw will be held on Saturday evening.
Come along & enter Mike Lee’s evening quiz, Entry just £3 per team member.
Or simply make a donation at our counter to show your support which will be as appreciated as ever.
We hope you can help us to help CAN & the community of Lihi in Nepal.