Reach Out for Nepal, Capel Curig Show & Moel Siabod Race

It is a busy few weeks coming up & we hope that you will be able to support these events in Capel Curig.

First up is our Reach Out for Nepal Day on 23rd June, a wide variety of events & sales are taking place at the cafe throughout the day starting with Paul’s annual charity run at 5:00 am & rounding off with Mike Lee’s charity Quiz Night which gets underway at 8:00 pm. For full details simply click on our Nepal or Events pages. We hope you can take part on the day, if you want to sponsor Paul you can do so at the Cafe counter & feel free to contact him if you want to join him on part or all of the run by phoning 01690 720429.

The Capel Curig Show & Siabod Fell Race as ever take place on the first Saturday in July, namely 7th this year. We hope to outline some more of the Show’s attractions in the coming weeks but it is almost worth attending for the post race tug of war alone between the Locals & the Fellrunners. With the Fellrunners being soundly beaten in recent years Paul’s pre-race safety briefing may well include ‘remember lads, it’s not all about winning, you need to keep something back for the Farmers!’

Sandwiched in between these weekends will be our latest Open MIC Night on Saturday 30th June, details on our Events page.

So something for everyone, we hope to see you at one or all of them.

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