Despite a distinct lack of running in recent months due to injury (ultra-sound scan on my troublesome right calf this morning) & then loss of Mojo Sunday hopefully will find me re-engage with running & mountains.
A few weeks back I was contacted by Tom Briggs of Jagged Globe & asked if I’d like to take part in their 8848 Challenge on 15th November to help raise funds for their staff around the world who no doubt are suffering more than most of us in this Anus Horriblelis. Knowing that trying to raise funds after both our own ROFN fund raiser & of course The Virus would be bloody difficult I of course said yes. My mind stepped up a gear, how much height gain is our own ‘Siabod Challenge’, I checked the stats, 8800′ so that’ll fit the bill nicely (it also comes in at 23 miles & takes in 6 peaks including Glyder Fach & Fawr, Snowdon & of course Moel Siabod).
I’ll be setting off despite an iffy Forecast (& Fitness) at 8:00 am this Sunday at a leisurely pace aiming to come no where near the time Paul Jones & I set in 2018 of 6:24 let alone the FKT set by Martin Cliff a month later, circa 5:45. Time is not the point, raising a few pounds for people in need is so if you do come into the Café on Sunday please donate to Dorina or Simona if you possibly can. Of course I will welcome company (part or all) or you my feel like aiming for your own FKT so if interested in either I’ll be at the Café all Saturday & from 7:30 on Sunday so feel free to ask me for details.
Tom’s own plans are having to be altered due to the English Lock-up but I know he is doing his best to maintain his commitment, I wish him & his Colleagues well.
If that all sounds a bit too much then why not consider joining Tamsin Fretwell who will be leading the Eryri Sunday Morning Run from the Cafe this Sunday at 10:00 am. Her route will circle Capel Curig with something for everyone, more details on the Eryri Facebook page or simply e-mail me & I’ll put you in touch.
Whatever you have planned or restrictions you face enjoy the weekend as much as you can.