There are a lot of people to thank whom collectively helped to make our 5th ROFN Day another great day so here & in no particular order goes my best effort to do so. If I’ve missed anyone out rest assured it is a matter of diminishing grey matter rather than lack of respect.
John & Marion for helping to bring things together in the lead in & co-ordinate events on the day itself.
Ginger for loan of the tracker system we used to help monitor the progress of our Carneddau run.
Ian & Helen for pulling the cycle sportif together once again.
Charlotte for being simply wild about swimming.
Sara for calming Yoga & looking after Alexandra (who was selling her balloons), possibly the short straw of the day.
Mike Lees for games, enthusiasm & Auction master.
Ali Bramall & Steve for putting on a great evening to round things off & for that lovely & un-expected rendezvous & feed on the summit of Drosgwyl.
Nick for computerising my running plan into a finalised route.
Twiggy for donations both before & during as well as managing two stalls all day which alone contributed more than £300 on the day.
Gaby for the Dal Bhat.
Dorina & all the team for keeping the café open for business as usual whilst we were ‘enjoying’ ourselves.
Andy, George, Brian & Hazel & Dafydd for being out on the hill & at the right place & time to feed & water us, simply not possible without you.
Peter for joining us for the last 3 hours, a new pair of legs seeped new energy into our tiring ones.
Paul & Tim for their enthusiasm & friendship throughout our 14 hour journey across the Carneddau. For those wanting to hear the details rest assured I will be putting sore fingers to the keyboard later today.
Johnathan for helping to publicise & get the ROFN message out there.
Alan, Christian & Annie, Doug, Gill (of Joe Brown) & Soul of Snowdonia Gallery for donating items to our Auction, also our suppliers: Arwel Jones, Stefan, Harlech, Marian & Spar for contributing to our food hamper.
& of course everyone else who took part in one of the events, donated or simply joined in to make it such a great day.
But of course it was all for a cause, helping to raise money for a completely new school in the remote Nepalese village of Prok which to date has had no school at all. Doug Scott’s charity CAN has committed to build this & ROFN has agreed to fund as much of the cost as possible. This year’s fund raising looks on course to exceed £4,000 & could with continued contributions reach £5,000 which together with surplus funds from previous years means that we have already raised well in excess of half the funds needed for this project. CAN will directly fund the balance but please help us to reduce this balance. You can still donate in the café so please, please do so if you possibly can. Thank You.