Paul’s Blog – Peris Horseshoe Race – Saturday 29th September

With on the day entries still thankfully permitted there is still time to commit to this classic long race which starts at 11:00 am & of course for those looking for an ‘easy’ option there is always the short course option. Both provide an incredible experience, I can highly recommend them. 

As for me I was certainly looking forward to the long peris hoping my recent run in the Ultra Trail Wales would stand me in good stead. Alas the extraction of a large molar tomorrow leaves this all in doubt, the Dentists last words were ‘It’s going to hurt & you will need pain killers for a few days’, not exactly music to my ears, don’t bite on a polo, it’s expensive & …… Of course pain killers, heavy sweating in a race are not recommended for the old Kidneys, this could be a time to be sensible.

So with this doubt in mind I edged my bets & got out for a 21 miler yesterday (after a 10 miler on Monday which had gone very well), good effort but felt sluggish or was it a recent tick bite & the subsequent Lyme’s disease type rash playing with my mind. Either way at least I’ve got one long run in this week, is there a 2nd left in me?

Whether I make it to the start line or not best of luck to all those who do take part, enjoy the pain (Fell runners are very good at this) & of course good luck to Stuart (race organiser) & the rest of his team, may the sun shine on his Marshalls!

For race details, see our Events page or better still go to Eryri Harriers web-site.

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