Reach Out for Nepal – Update on 2021 & 2022

I am pleased to announce that this Year’s Reach Out for Nepal Day has been scheduled for 14th May, for more details simply go to the Events page of our web site, I’ll go into more detail into my chosen run for this year in a bit but first it’s time to give an update on previous fund raising & last year in particular so here goes:-

The total raised in 2021 was an unbelievable £23,563.05 more than double of any previous year. This was largely due to Ian Draisey’s Moel Siabod Sportif (MSS) which saw approximately 40 cyclists take on Ian’s fabulous 100 mile route through Snowdonia. The MSS raised £17,434.00 so well done all who took part & everyone who donated to them.

The finalisation of last years fund raising saw me submitting a Gift Aid claim to CAN for those who donated at the Cafe counter towards my 7 Marathons+ in 7 Days. The claim took a couple of hours to produce & gave me a heartfelt appreciation of many people I know personally & how generous they were. I can’t name you all hear but you brought fresh emotion to my eyes, simply thank you very much, it genuinely makes the hardships of the runs all the more worthwhile. Obviously that thank you needs extending to all those who don’t know me personally as well, thank you for appreciating what we are trying to do.

Collectively through ROFN, MSS & Sales of Doug’s Prints, Books & various CAN Artefacts over the last 7 years the total raised for CAN has now reached £86,891.31. This is just hard to fathom but is a fantastic reality so again a massive thank you to all who have contributed to this success in any way at all. In addition to this total through the three presentations Doug held at the Cafe raised in the region of a further 10K & of course many of us were lucky to be in his presence at these.

More specifically the funds raised last year have helped us to complete the £44,000 funding of the new school in Prok which is due to be officially opened by CAN in Autumn 2022. They have asked Dorina & I to attend the opening but I have other things to survive first before I can decide on whether to accept their offer. If we do go out please rest assured that the cost will be borne by us & not CAN/ROFN.

Now onto one of those things I need to survive, my 2022 charity run for ROFN (I’m hopefully being a tad melodramatic about this one but having seen the state I got myself into on my 2020 run then maybe not). This will be my third & FINAL attempt to run 100 miles in 24 Hours in & around Capel Curig.

As ever unless I stick to tarmac which is not good for either my feet or the enjoyment of support runners there are no flat options in Capel Curig to rack up that type of mileage but having chosen a beautiful but wrong route in 2020 I’ve come up with an ‘easier’ one for 2022, in the words of a certain Baldrick ‘I’ve got a Cunning Plan’. I’m calling it ‘The Tryfan 10 x 10 One Hundred’ for want of any better imagination. The route will see me run down to Tryfan & back via the old road, as the name suggests this is a 10 miler (bit more in honesty) which I’ll need to run 10 times. 

Normally it’s a lovely training run through the grandeur of the Ogwen Valley so any runners wanting to come along & support me on a leg you will be treated to glorious scenery at a pace that’ll give you plenty of time to take it all in. For the walkers among you why not stroll the route & cheer us on as we pass you at some points or other. 

The route is actually 10.5 miles giving me the option of cutting the last one short if either time or my body is against me. The total climb for the 10 runs will be 2,730 metres (8,955′), a bit demanding but 20% less than my 2020 attempt & about half that of 2016. Sounds good but I’ll be 56 this time around & despite Judy’s words a couple of years ago ‘never again Paul, please’ I am clearly only learning some ‘minor’ lessons.

Obviously as ever I’m not beating myself up for nothing so please donate if you possibly can. We’ll be taking donations at the Cafe counter from the start of May & will have set up a Just Giving page for those wishing to donate electronically.

Thanks for your time & your support once again, please put the 14th May in your diary & come along & enjoy our ROFN Day.


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