So here we go and in no particular order here is a summary of what went on & what has been raised to date:-
Charlotte’s Wild Swims & Tim’s Mountain Bike Ride – £100
Sara Jackson’s in Cafe Yoga classes – £55
Trefoil Craft Sales (organized via Twiggy Price among others) – £291 (Includes Twiggy’s loose change pot)
Alexandra’s Balloons – £14
Siabod Rumdooddle Challenge Relay – £105
Quiz, Raffle, T. Shirt Sales & Games organized by Mike Lees – £245
Auction – £789 (Excludes two sales which go direct to CAN of £155) – thanks to everyone who donated an Auction item & to Mike Lees & his ‘glamorous assistant’ John.
Paul’s Siabod Everest Challenge – £1,479 (& rising)
Cylcing Sportif Sponsorship (organized by Ian Draisey) – £1,095 (& rising)
Fraser’s Sponsored Walk – £1,412 (& rising with several donations from around the world) – this total includes over £400 raised by Helen Doughty through her Just Giving page.
Gaby’s Dal Bhat Sales – £300 – it sold out, well there’s a surprise!
Monies raised prior to the Day – £2,200
This brings the current total raised for 2017 to an excellent £8,085. We are aiming for ROFN to raise £10,500 this year so please continue to reward all those who took part on Saturday (be they named above or not) by continuing to donate whatever you feel you can afford.
In addition we also raised through sales of CAN’s Nepalese memorabilia a further £438, this money will go into CAN’S general Charity Fund. Since Doug’s visit to the cafe last October we have sold a number of his signed prints totalling more than £2,000 (again these go into CAN’s general fund), this brings the combined total for ROFN & CAN to more than £10,500 for 2017.
It was a great day (in truth not always thoroughly enjoyable for me), I think everyone who was there & taking part can feel very proud at the effort we put in & the results that these efforts have achieved. If you weren’t there but have donated a big thank you from all of us for taking the time to do so, it is much appreciated.