Paul’s Blog Posted 31st December 2014

Firstly a quick thank you to all of you who have popped into the Cafe during Christmas week & for your patience if your visit coincided with one of our busy periods (running is easier than pot washing during a rush believe me).

Remember we close at 4:00pm today, open at 10:00 on New Year’s Day & close at 5:00pm. From Friday normal hours apply.

Have you managed to get up in the snow? Un-fortunately with both the Cafe being busy & my running goals I have stayed largely below the snowline but did get some great views running up & down the Ogwen valley on Sunday. My last post stated my aim of 70 more miles in 8 days to reach my goal for the year & here’s a brief summary of how I’ve got on.

Christmas Eve – Unplanned rest day after I stupidly forgot to bring my Waterproof’s to the Cafe, not a good start!
Christmas Day – Coed y Brenin Half Marathon route etc. 17.1 miles
Boxing Day – Curtailed by falling snow but just fitted something in from the Cafe – 7.2 miles
Saturday – Glydyr Forest – 13.1 miles
Sunday – Ogwen Valley & Swallow Falls (followed by some serious pots) – 17.3 miles (yes Kean)
Monday – Glyder Forest with Headtorch (after 6 hours on the pots, haven’t been that busy since August Bank Holiday) – 5.2 miles.
Tuesday – Rest day (well not exactly a short drive to Newbury & back so didn’t fancy another evening run).
Today – Plan is to cover the required 10 miles early evening so if you see a green runner with Headtorch between here & Betws give me a beep.

Nearly there but of course the main reason for all of this is to give Kean, Iain & Andy a better than average chance of whipping my tired ass tomorrow in the Llyn Llydaw race, I’m even in the pub tonight just to help them a little more!

Whatever your plans for tonight are I hope you have a great time, if you want to blow those cobwebs away tomorrow morning, watching us prance around the lake with the weather forecast being what it is, would be sure to work as well as being most appreciated.

Happy New Year from us all.

Paul, Dorina, Gaby, Nick, Ady & Simona

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