Paul’s Blog – Posted 25/01/16

I am pleased to confirm that our ‘Reach Out for Nepal Day’ for 2016 is now firmly in the diary for June 25th. There will be full details of the day’s planned events in the coming weeks with a finalised plan on both our Cafe web-site & our ‘Reach Out for Nepal’ facebook page by the first week of March. In the meantime if you want to be involved in any way or have ideas for fund raising please do not hesitate to contact me. Our aim for 2016 is to better the pre-Gift Aid total of 2015 which was £6,000.

This brings me onto what are we doing with last year’s funds, I am delighted to confirm that we will be working with Doug Scott’s charity CAN whereby the £6,000 will be specifically ring fenced to pay their contractor’s costs for re-building the Melamchi School’s Science Block. To this end we have a meeting with Doug & Ruth on 18th February to put these arrangements into place as well as discuss & agree our ongoing teamwork with the School’s priorities at heart. Further details of this will be published once the meeting has taken place.

None of this could of course be possible without the tremendous support we experienced last June, we hope you will spread the word to help us once again this year.

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