Paul’s Blog – Posted 12/07/17

This’ll be the last you here from me for a while but hopefully no longer than that.

A few thank you’s are due so here goes:-

Firstly to all our customers & in particular to anyone who visited us on Sunday 9th July when we were more or less full from the moment we opened until early evening, you all seemed to wait patiently understanding we were doing our best & working our socks off. We are not quite sure why this particular Sunday was easily our second busiest day ever but if the trend continues there is only one piece of advice I can give. If you are planning to visit us before you head for the hills get here early & with time to spare & use the time before the food comes out to prepare, chat & relax, the hills will wait for a good breakfast to be had.

Secondly to Dorina in particular as well as Gaby, Ady, Nick, Simona, Titi & Rebecca in advance for what they are about to experience in the 4 weeks of my forthcoming trip to Kyrgyzstan, this is extended in turn to John & Marion for their continued support during our busy weekends. I do feel an element of genuine guilt but life has to be lived & I am sure your time will come when you need it most.

Finally to my ex, it was her abuse of my mental state that led me to Cader Idris & so much more that has followed, like me I actually do hope you have found a better place too, life is simply too short not to. My lesson has been clear, it has been learned, I simply want to spread that word, if you are not happy never fear change, embrace it!

Whilst I’m away please don’t forget that we have our next Open MIC Night on 29th July & that throughout July & August we are open from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (last hot food orders at 7:30 pm) 7 days a week.

Well that’s it, I’m nearly packed & looking forward to two days with Dorina before I go & get rid of some of this nervous energy that’s gurgling inside me, have a great summer, Paul.

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