I have to confess being a Rugby nut that when I penciled in our next Open MIC Night for this Saturday I failed to consult the Rugby fixtures my excuse being at the time I thought I was probably going to be in Romania missing both the Open MIC & much of the rugby to boot, the things I’ll do for Dorina!
Travel plans changed but I was unable to get England & Wales to change that little meeting too so we have a clash.
All I can say is if you don’t like Rugby or like it but have already have had an overload (un-likely I know) why not escape to the Siabod Cafe & enjoy an evening being entertained or entertaining us, or both.
If someone has one of those modern i phones things please introduce yourself on arrival & give me a whispered score by score update please!
My Saturday will kick start with a last minute entry in the Trailfest from Ffestiniog to Porthmadog, looks like a great route on paper! Roclite’s are at the ready & there is even a rumour that Kean & I might be going head to head for the first time since he gave my battered body a beating somewhere near Chamonix in July, I’m fresher this time mate!