Oggie 8 Challenge – Part 2

Café closed (well it is 21:30) so a little more time to say some more.

So many Marshalls made up of OVMRO Volunteers as well as supporters of their fund raising team 333, all with the passion of Tess & Melonie organising this great event. My mate Georg is one of the Marshalls but if he does a kit check on me on Saturday in the forecasted rain after 4 hours he will risk losing a mate, your call Georg!!

Can’t wait for it despite tiredness after a such a hectic month or two, my thanks in advance too to Iain who gave me a beating on Sunday’s recce only to make me feel better by his hobbling like an old man (nay a road cyclist) ever since. His partner Andy continues to give me that look that only a woman can!

We may not win it but will die in our attempt to do so as only the un-competitive can! Kean where are you when I need you?

Ciao for now.


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