Before I go any further let me just clarify that the Cafe will be closing at 18:00 this Saturday for our ‘normal’ custom in order for us to be able to start receiving & serving those coming along for Nick’s Presentation, we hope this causes no inconvenience & that you’ll understand our reasoning.
Well what a weekend it looks like being in Snowdonia, Nick & I couldn’t have planned it better if we’d planned it ourselves, fortunately for us we have been Soldiers of fortune. What am I talking about now you may ask? Well put simply & by pure luck & absolutely no judgement we have organised Nick’s presentation being bang in the middle of the Cambrian Car Rally & the British Fell Relay Championships.
The Cambrian Rally, on Saturday 19th, is taking part in the Gwyder Forest right on the doorstep of the cafe, I don’t know much about it other than there are viewing stages to the North of us early morning & late afternoon & South East of us near to the beautiful Llyn Elsi slotted in between. The other thing I know is that my mate Georg is coming over with the intention of sneaking me out of pot washing duty so that we can go & watch a stage or two which’ll be my first live viewing of a rally (if you discount my own driving in my younger days of course).
As for the British Fell Running Relays, on Sunday 20th, I am proud to say that they are being organised by Eryri Harriers, the club of whom I am a member. The event is the largest event ever hosted by Eryri with over 1,100 runners taking part over a 4 leg course throughout the day. As you can imagine e-mails requesting help for Marshalling, organising, teas & cakes etc. have been increasing steadily all year so a pre-event well done to all of those at the heart of it who are putting in masses of work to ensure all bases are covered. As for me well with Nick Bullock’s evening being attended by Fraser & Georg I am mightily relieved that Maggie Oliver has not called on me to be a Marshall as the thought of standing in one place with the inevitable headache which will follow an evening with Fraser & Georg was a little daunting. That said with Dorina’s help I will be delivering some of Gaby’s Flapjacks to the start line before going out to watch & cheer the runners on followed by a litter pick on the way back down, hopefully every little thing helps. The event itself is based in Llanberis & uses the slopes of Moel Elio for legs 1 & 4, Leg 2 is the most demanding as it takes in the classic & relatively un-visited North Western ridge of Snowdon’s flanks incorporating the 3 peaks of Moel Cynghorian, Foel Goch & Moel Elio. My plan is to watch some ascending of Moel Cynghorian on Leg 2 & some demon descending on Leg 4. Leg 3 by the way is a navigation leg so no idea of the route, hopefully it will be clearer than that on the day for the navigators as they test their skills. More details of the whole event of course on the Eryri web-site.
So as you can see what luck to have slotted Nick’s talk in for Saturday night! I really hope those who come along believe that I haven’t over sold it because I am so pleased to have persuaded Nick to visit us. John & Marion as usual have been stalwarts in provided much of the equipment & have helped us buy a new retractable screen for the Cafe in the hope that it will service many more presentations at the Cafe in the coming years. Advance ticket sales have gone really well so we are hoping for a full house. With that in mind whilst we hope to be able to fit those walking in on the night pre-reserving of tickets by phoning Dorina on 01690 720429 would help us to guarantee your entry & plan the seating arrangements to boot. Other details about the night in a nutshell are: arrive by 19:00, eat Gaby’s Goulash, Nick’s presentation of an hour/hour & a half depending on how carried away he gets between 20:00 & 22:00 with an hour at the end for general mulling around & questions. Nick’s book ‘echoes’ will be available should you wish to buy a signed copy. Of course drinks license is extended with the bar open until 23:00.
So as you can see plenty to come over to Snowdonia this weekend, we’d be delighted to see you at the Cafe & hopefully like me you’ll be able to combine it with some thrills of watching the competitors in action.