Level: Moderate/Strenuous.
Terrain: Clear paths sometimes rocky, Forest Tracks, Tarmac & Optional Grade 1 Scrambling
Distance: 6 Miles.
Estimated Time: 4/5 Hours
Description: This is the classic route to the top of Moel Siabod which shows the grandeur of the mountain in all its full glory. It is a route that covers numerous types of terrain unlike the more commonly used & far less interesting slog up from Plas y Brenin. In addition you’ll pass lakes & old quarries that add to the beauty & levels of interest along the way.
‘All paths lead to Rome or in this case the Daear Dhu ridge. I am not a climber despite a friends best attempts to turn me into one, but I do love an easy & airy scramble, the Daear Dhu ridge is in my opinion one of the best Grade 1 scrambles you will find.’

2 Responses to Walk 6 – Moel Siabod via Daear Ddu Ridge