In August I attended a 5 Day ML Training Course held by Rob Johnson here in North Wales. I can only say that it made a massive impact on me & my way of appreciating the environment I so often find myself in & my awareness of those around me.
Prior to the course my only significant experience had been a day out on the slopes of Snowdon when Jim Langley of Natures Work had invited me to join a small party he was taking out on a Sunday. That had been the day after a fell race & culminated in our finding the rare Snowdon Lily, the slower pace that day was also ideal for my tired legs from the race.
As well as honing my existing skills base of Navigation, Terrain & Climate awareness, Scrambling & looking after group members it also focused on the natural habitat, basic rope tecnique & protection, night navigation, legal aspects of being a leader, mountain rescue teams work & equipment. In addition useful tips were thrown in throughout the course such as short but assured steps when walking up steep ground, the list goes on.
Within days of attending the course I’d come up with a plan to work on the full range of these techniques as well as get up to less frequented hills in The Lakes & Scotland to test myself on less familiar ground. In addition & with Rob’s approval I signed up to do my ML Assessment in May of next year having the advantage of living here & being able to get out on the hills more than most.
Rob was both professional & easy to be with & has a very relaxed but assured style, nature provided the icing on the cake with a delightful sunset for our night camp overlooking Tryfan & it’s reflection in a lake.