Today we formally launch our campaign for a Defibrillator to be located outside our Cafe.
This campaign has the support of both the Welsh Ambulance Service & the Achub Calon Y Dyffren who approached us with this idea a few weeks ago.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are essential to help save lives, there is a wide ranging campaign to help install these in Schools & in places to help local communities & vistors alike. Our campaign is to riase £1,500 to purchase & install a ZOLL AED, this is the same brand used by The Welsh Ambulance Service itself thereby giving familiarity & speed maximising the chances of making a difference.
You can donate simply by locating Achub Calon Y Dyffryn’s collection tin which is located just inside the cafe internal entrance doors. There will be an un-related presentation at the Cafe in April next year where all proceeds will go towards this campaign so watch this space for details in the coming weeks.
Defibrillators save lives, it’s as simple as that, it could be yours or someone you know, your support would be great.