Well whilst Paul’s focus has understandibly been turning to his trip to Nepal we are still building on the foundations we have made since opening for business in March 2012, this is in more ways than Gaby continuing to add to her range of cakes. Last Sunday we had 9 cakes on offer at the start of the day & by end of play were down to just two slices left (Paul thought about telling Gaby to try harder next time but even he has learnt to bite his tongue once in a while).
Our major news is the addition of James Broadley to our full time staff a couple of weeks ago giving us a core team of four (correct we don’t count Paul) & brings with it the prospect of some additional days off for both me & Gaby without affecting the quality of service we hope we provide. James did his best to scupper our plans by having a serious skate board accident a week before he started but now we just giggle at Paul’s & James’ attempts to out-hobble each other. Seriously though, great to have him on board particularly as he starred in our video & thanks to Alison for the re-introduction.
Our Siabod Breakfast gets bigger with the addition of toast as standard, seems obvious I know, but a decent new commercial toaster has made this easier for us to provide.
Mulled wine & a Christmas Menu are in the pipeline too as we move into the Autumn to accompany the glow & warmth of our log burner to help warm you through. Dorina xxx