Hi there, if you are reading this we can only say thank you for visiting our web-site which went live in July It is just the latest in a number of new adventures we have been on this year. From Paul’s first experience of catering, Dorina’s & my (Gaby) first experience of Managing a business & many of firsts that are too numerous to list & bore you with here.
What we can say is that we are enjoying these experiences & hope that those who have tried out our café have enjoyed & appreciated what we are trying to achieve here.
Those who know Paul & understand his tendency to avoid anything to do with IT will be rightly amazed that he ever got around to setting up a web-site but it was quite simple really we simply hid his Walking Boots & Fell Shoes & told him no web-site no more play! Amazing what you can get an old dog to do.
Hopefully you will like the web-site, Nick & his team at e-blueprint did a great job in listening to our brief & holding Paul’s hand as it was pulled together. As you will see it is an active site that can be added to with updates, comments & blogs, we hope to maintain it in a way that keeps you interested & coming back for more, your help/participation will of course form a key part to this.
We really do see ourselves as a café that must try to give something back to our customers, whether it be free parking whilst you go out and enjoy yourselves, help & and advice on walks & runs or simply a conduit & hub to help connect you with experts in the Outdoor community we are here & want to help.
We have all been encouraged by initial feedback whether it’s related to our food, service, walks or ambience of our café but the greatest thing has been to be welcomed & appreciated by locals & outdoor enthusiasts alike & we thank you with all our hearts.